Complaints Handling
If you would like to make a complaint to CrazyDomains.com, please email [email protected].
We strive to uphold the greatest levels of service and communication in the industry, so should the unlikely event occur that you need to lodge a complaint against our service, any of our staff, or our general industry conduct, please make use of the above address.
Once a complaint email is lodged, we will ensure that you're responded to within 7 days.
If, for whatever reason, you do not obtain adequate support, response or are not satisfied with the outcome of your query via the above contact, you may write to us via the following address:
3 Irving Road
#09-01 Tai Seng Centre
Singapore 369522
The management team will fully investigate your complaint within 10 working days, and will respond to your complaint within 15 days.
If you are in India, you may contact our Grievance Officer, Prabhat Kamat, at the following contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: 022-67209095
Mail: Attn: Grievance Officer, Unit 401, 4th floor, IT Bldg 3, Nesco IT Park, Nesco Complex,
Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400063, Maharashtra.
For .au further complaints and policies please also see the auDA website.
For .uk further complaints and polices please also see the Nominet website.