Our Service
21.21 gTLD Specific terms
The following clause (21.21) applies specifically to gTLDs.
This document contains the terms and conditions that apply between you, us and the services provided by the registrar.
21.21.1 gTLD License registrar transfer
Registrar transfer of a gTLD domain name license are subject to the following:
- You may not effect a registrar transfer within 60 days of license registration.
- You may not effect a registrar transfer within 60 days of previous registrar transfer.
- The published policies as provided by the ICANN.
It is a process requirement that you provide an 'authinfo' code in order to effect a registrar transfer. Upon your request a domain's authinfo code will be provided within 5 days of receipt of such request. Provision of such code does not imply approval for transfer. We reserve the right to deny application for a transfer out for any of the following reasons:
- Evidence of fraud.
- UDRP action or any other dispute.
- Court order by a court of competent jurisdiction.
- Non payment for previous.
- If the domain is in 'lock status' on application for transfer.
- The domain name license is expired.
- Any other reason which we deem sufficient.
We reserve the right to place a 'lock' on the domain name license which may result in denial of registrar transfer. We must receive a request from the registrant or authorised party (subject to satisfactory identification requirements) to unlock the domain name license.
21.21.2 gTLD License dispute resolution policy
All gTLD disputes are subject to ICANNs published DRP Policy, you acknowledge that provision of a domain name license is subject to this and any other published policy.
You must:
- Comply with the published policy with regards to any dispute.
- Release us of any claim that may arise from actions undertaken by us or the registry operator in accordance with the published policy.
21.21.3 gTLD ICANN Registrant Educational Information
ICANN has developed and shall maintain a portal which provides Educational Information to gTLD domain registrants in a clear and informative format. It is recommended that you read and study this information so that you can maintain a firm understanding of your interaction with gTLD domain names. ICANN's Registrant Educational Information can be accessed here - https://www.icann.org/en/registrars/registrant-rights-responsibilities-en.htm